Seeking comfort and simplicity? Go Minimal With Your Bathroom.

Whether it’s a 40 hour working week, a busy schedule with the kids, or the never ending task of general life-administration, our time and motivation for homely maintenance and chores seems to be forever escaping us. Which poses the question; how can we create a comfortable and relaxing place in our homes to escape these daily stresses - even if it is for a brief moment away from the kids!

The ongoing trend of bathroom minimalism is proving to be the answer for many homeowners that seek such relief within their homes. So how can we ‘minimalise’ to make our lives at home more pleasant and more simple?  How to create an environment where we’re happy to unwind in a bath for an hour, as opposed to washing for the necessity? Well here is some simple advice to get you a few steps closer to achieving perfect simplicity. 

Simplify Colour Schemes
Too often does functionalism overpower design in home bathrooms, resulting in a visual experience that is all too heavy. The use of neutral colours like crisp whites, charcoals, or clay tones, can give a pleasant impression of simplicity and cleanliness. All the while still creating contrast, and offering an impactful visual where less is more.

Clear the Clutter
The best way to better organise your bathroom is to start removing the items within it that may not need to be there, until your bathroom stops performing the task that it should. And there, the point just prior to this breakdown, lies the most minimal and well accommodating bathroom possible.

Decrease the amount of decorative ornaments or non functional items you have in your bathroom - keep it looking lean. Determine what items bring something to the room, and then omit other needless things in areas such as shelving, cabinets, or window cills. 

Other examples of areas to clutter clear are the shower floor; where all those old bottles of shower gel remain, or the mirror cabinet; where used-up cosmetic packaging spills upon every opening of the cabinet door.

You will be surprised at how much more perceived space you will obtain by ridding of the useless!

Create More Floor Space
Rather than the conventional floor attached furnishings, consider the option of mounting this furniture to your bathroom walls instead. Small bathrooms in particular can exhibit the perception of big spacial improvements just with added floor space underneath bathroom cupboards or vanity’s.

And an added benefit - it becomes easier to clean the bathroom floor as there are less objects to sweep around!

Wall mounted tap fittings also fit to the minimalist theme. New taps and fittings can also add strong visual compliments to the room and are now readily available at prices that are not going to break your bank.

Finally; Keep it Clean!
Now this one seems obvious, but if you are wanting to relax in a pleasing bathroom, this goes hand in hand. And those clean colours and textured surfaces are not going to carry the same affect if they are dusty and grimy. 

Another benefit of going minimal is that the cleaning time of your bathroom is likely to decrease! With less clutter, clearer floors, and neutral colours, your new bathroom will turn out a dream.
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